7 ideas to make more money
Hi, straight into it.
How do you make more money?
What works and what is worth your time?
When it comes to making money, the process is very simple and it does not require you to have high intellectual capabilities or to even be remotely skilled in anything. What you need is guts and the stomach to be able to take big risks and persist in taking action towards creating wealth, even when the rewards are not so evident.
- Start a business and it has to be based upon one of your talents or passions, it can’t be something that you think will work- go for an idea which aligns with your personal passions.
2. Start investing, if you aren’t already investing, it's a great time to get started- the best investment will always be the investments that you make in yourself.
3. Create a side hustle, start something on the side: for example, learn a skill which is in demand and monetize it later.
12 ways in which you can make money online:
4. Don’t work for money, work to create long term value for others and the money will be attracted to you.
5. Innovate on a product or service and take that idea to the market, it is key to note that the execution part is the key to attaining success when innovating a new idea: most ideas are not accepted by the market place unless you are relentlessly stubborn in making them happen.
6. Read and learn: be willing to always learn and grow, the more you learn: the more you will earn.
7. Find what you are good at and go and chase that, we all have talents but not all of us take action on those talents.
To conclude, making money is simple and you can make tons in the future if you take action on some of these ideas,
Thank you for reading and have a fantastic week ahead.