Attaining financial confidence
Hi Sir/Madam,
How do you attain financial confidence?
I’ll get straight into it.
Financial confidence is not financial freedom, financial confidence is when you are making enough to be satisfied and comfortable with your income. Most people want to make more, in this blog I’ll discuss how you can create and maintain a higher income level, I will break the process down into simple steps for you to take in order to improve your financial situation.
Attaining financial confidence starts with switching your mindset, having a different mindset in order to increase your income or to be satisfied with the income with you have. If you are seeking to attain financial confidence, you will have to change yourself, to do this is simple but it is not easy. Changing yourself starts with changing your habits and creating the right habits in order to attain financial confidence.
A few example habits:
- Reading
- Working out
- Staying uncomfortable
These are 3 examples, there are many more- you have to change your habits in order to attain financial confidence, the rich get richer for a reason- they usually have the right habits, which are passed down and lead to them creating more quantum wealth in their lives.
To attain financial confidence, you need to be able to take risks- those who create the wealth they desire will be those who take risks. It is those who take the greatest risks who will reap the greatest rewards, this links to being uncomfortable and leaving your comfort zone in order to attain and create material wealth.
You need to constantly be learning and growing if you are seeking to maintain material wealth, there is always more and more to learn- you can never know it all. Adopting a growth mindset allows you to learn more and to increase your chances at attaining material wealth. To attain material wealth, you have to be able to handle tough situations and learning allows you to do this.
Financial confidence is not easy to attain but the process is simple, take risks, adopt the right habits and start creating as much value as you can for those around you and the money will follow. Money is just a bi-product of value creation and this will always be true. The more people you can help, the greater the material wealth that you can generate.
Thank you for reading,
Have a fantastic day.