Emotions and investing
Hi, straight into it.
How does your emotional temperament impact your likely hood of success in investing?
Emotional investing is common within the stock market and ultimately is the reason why most people do not succeed in investing in stocks. Having the gut to withstand market fluctuations leads to success in investing in the stock market- the most important characteristic an investor can have is investing through rational logic and keeping emotions out of investing.
Your success is simply determined by how well you are able to withstand emotional urges in investing.
To become a successful investor, your key goal should be to leave your emotions at home and simply invest based upon reason and logic.
What can you do to improve your emotional temperament?
- Keep a cool head when it comes to investing
- Be disciplined in selecting stocks and be patient in finding the right one to invest it
- Spend time working on developing emotional intelligence, this helps you in life and in investing
- Trust your intuition and stick to your reasoning, if your stock is fluctuating- remember why you bought the stock
- Know that you will succeed in stocks when you are willing to understand stocks and your own emotions
What do you do when your stock is doing poorly?
Know when to cut your loses but do not sell a stock just because it is doing poorly, know your reasoning in buying the stock and remember that the stock market is simply a system for transferring money from the impatient to the patient. Short term market fluctuations are inevitable in investing and you can not predict the short term out come of a stock without part speculation.
How do you succeed in stocks?
Invest in your knowledge and understanding of stocks, read, study and self educate in regards to attaining success in the stock market. You can learn a lot through simply studying the greats and those who have attained mass success in the stock market. Always be constantly learning about how you can improve and take your knowledge to the next level. Education is the key to success in the stock market.
Investors have habits which aid them in attaining success within the stock market, for example: reading daily, learning from market leaders, having a growth mindset.
Emotional intelligence is the key to success in attaining huge results when it comes to winning in stocks. Having a good temperament, a long term view and a growth mindset will all lead to success in stocks. Your emotions should be left at home when you seek to find strong investments and you should trust your intuition and ability to pick stocks, you need courage and bravery to do well- knowing that you are capable of selecting winning stocks is the first step in doing it.
Thank you for reading,