Investor mindset

Jagdip Sanghera
3 min readAug 23, 2020

Hi, straight into it.

What kind of a mindset to successful investors have?

An investor has a long term mindset, creating wealth through investing is something which requires time and effort- the more patient you are, the better you will do as an investor. The key is to be aggressively patient, this is the key way for you to perform well as an investor.

What does aggressively patient mean?

Aggressively patient is when you are taking action to finding or investing, urgently whilst also having a belief system which believes that the returns of the investment will take years. A minimum of 5–10 years, to attain strong investment returns, getting rick quick is simply how poor people think when it comes to creating wealth.

Everyone wants to get rich quit but no one wants to get rich slowly. Yet getting rich slowly is the right way to think about creating long term sustainable wealth and attaining the goal of financial freedom.

When we are talking stocks, it’s simple- those who are patient make money and the impatient are usually scared out of stocks due to market fluctuations. You have to have the guts and the right mindset to create long term wealth in life and in business.

An investor understands that investing is simply laying out cash now to get more back in the future, the future can be as long as 10 or more years- you do not need to make money short term through investing, this pulls you into the category of being a speculator and not an investor. First decide which you are, speculators make the patient more wealth- patience wins the game in investing in stocks.

Investor mindset:

Understanding how investors think is the first step to attaining great returns in the stock market, you do not need to be smart- what you need is wisdom. The wise are always the wealthiest people, trying to be smart in the stock market is a trap and will in turn lead to you being a speculator. Be wise, not smart- wisdom implies patience, smart implies creating quick money- this simply is not sustainable long term for financial success.

An investor will always see money as a vehicle for value creation.

What is value creation?

Finding value is a skill to be practiced, value is when something is going to deliver more than it is worth monetarily in the future. Value comes again from wisdom and having the right investor mindset.

The fastest way for you to learn how investors think is to simply be around them. If you do not have any investor mindsets, you can learn through the internet and self educate in regards to how investors think, this is one of the best ways to learn- self educating is one of the best ways for you to turn information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom.

For more education in regards to creating an investor mindset, check out:

Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day ahead,





Jagdip Sanghera

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