What is the purpose of creating wealth?

Jagdip Sanghera
2 min readApr 25, 2020


Hi Sir/Madam,

Short and straight into it.

What is the purpose of creating wealth in your life?

Many people chase wealth and go after creating masses of wealth, we spend our health chasing wealth and than we realize that money is not everything and then we use our wealth to maintain and preserve our health.

So what is the point of creating masses of wealth?

Well it is simple, very simple.

The main purpose of wealth is to create opportunity and open up doorways to a brighter future. Money can help you in reaching and attaining certain places in your life but it will never make you happy. However the lack of money can lead to a life full of problems. Money also means you have to solve more problems, the more you make- the more problems you will have to handle, money creates as many problems as it solve.

We should seek to create wealth to enable us to be able to live better and brighter lives by opening up more pathways for your future. You should create wealth with a good intent. Something like philanthropy, where wealth creation is used to aid and help worthwhile causes: there are many causes you can support with money, the opportunities to support these causes is endless.

Creating wealth should be done through chasing passion and with the intent to do something positive with your life, constantly seeking ways in which you can be a little better is very important as this leads to happiness. Going after passion, doing what you enjoy and creating wealth is a sure way to happiness and fulfilment alongside using the money for causes and to build on things which you enjoy.

wealth and purpose:

The purpose of wealth is something which you have to decide independently and to be something in which you can relate to on a personal level. The use of money is different for each individual and it can all depends upon your past life experiences and in which causes or options you want to open up for your future.

Thank you for reading and have a fantastic week ahead.





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