Why haven’t you invested?

Jagdip Sanghera
3 min readMar 14, 2020


Hi, most people don’t invest till they are thinking about retirement and this approach is awful, you should start investing early so that you don’t even have to think about it later.

Investing should be a commodity in our lives, as currencies are unpredictable, cash is not always useful- in most cases it is not. You are better off having your money in assets which will grow with time and this can also allow you to be able to make more decisions with your future and provide value to a greater number of people within your life.

If you have not started investing, it is always a good idea to think about starting and taking action on that thought, as investing even small amounts of money weekly or monthly over long periods of times: this leads to the capital stacking up and you increasing your money in a compounding manner, add compound interest to that and you will create massive wealth.

Money is not everything but money is the answer to everything…

Money can help you in solving your problems and solving problems for other people, to think about money or creating masses of money is not selfish- in fact it is unselfish. The process of creating capital requires you to find ways to solve problems for other people and in most cases this will allow you to be selfless.

Money is seen as a negative and wanting to have alot of money is also seen as bad: money being the root of all evil, the reverse is also true- money can solve all world problems if it employed correctly and used to do the right things in life. You do not need to create masses of wealth but it is fair to say that having more money would not hurt you or anyone else in your life for that matter.

To create money, it has never been easier- investing in yourself is the start and the process is fun and full of challenges. The sooner you are willing to embrace challenges as gifts and as a process, the more capital you can create and this capital can be used to help many others in your day to day life- alot of good can be done with money.

If you want to save the world: it requires money.

If you want to take care of your parents: it takes money.

Money is not bad, understand it is in fact something that can be used to do alot of good. Change the way that you think about money and embrace the challenges that you will face in creating massive wealth.

Investing in yourself, assets and a potential business that will solve a problem for alot of people. These are keys to creating wealth and you would be selfish to not go and take action on these, always think about what you can give and not what you can take. Stay blessed.

For more financial education check out:

Thank you for reading, stay strong and have a solid week.





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